Adulterated Substances used in Cardamom and Turmeric

Adulteration is a serious problem in India. It is as basic as mixing water to cow’s milk to increase its volume. Similarly adulteration occurs in spices too. India is reputed for its variety of spices that it produces. But the problem of adulteration has also caused the increase in organ damage and spread of various diseases among the people. Adulterants that are mixed with these spices are chemical substances that are not added legally sometimes. In that case it is known as contamination, which is a punishable offense.

There are many diseases that are caused due to adulteration. Some adulterant directly affects our kidney, heart, stomach and liver. Different kinds of cancer, asthma, skin diseases along with blood disorder and bone marrow abnormalities are detected to be caused by adulteration. Certain fatal diseases are also caused by adulteration like, cirrhosis of liver, failure of kidney, cancer in colon.
Now we will look into the different ways green cardamom is adulterated. It is a common perception of the people that only powdered spices are adulterated in general. But that is not the truth.
  • Green cardamom, as we know, is not a powdered spice. It is crusty and has small seeds inside its pod. It usually is used to enhance the aroma of a cuisine.
  • Green cardamom is generally three types based on the nature of its panicle. The ones with prostrate panicles are called Malabar, erect panicles are Mysore and semi erect panicles are Vazhukka.
  • Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, these are the states that are the main green cardamom suppliers in India.
How to recognize adulteration in green cardamom?
Used pods are generally used in green cardamom adulteration. Newer pods will be plum and full, but used ones will be wrinkled and feel empty. By look, fresher pods will have a mellow yet fresh green colour while used pods will be pale green.
Another spice that is highly adulterated is turmeric. Adulterated turmeric rather acts as poison on your body. Here are some ways turmeric is also contaminated.
  • Turmeric has an organic compound called curcumin in it that keeps our body healthy in a lot of ways.
  • In our ancient practice of Ayurveda medicine, turmeric played a major role as it had anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial benefits.
  • High curcumin turmeric suppliers India can be mainly found in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Assam, Kerala, Karnataka and West Bengal.

How is turmeric adulterated?
Non-chemical substance like corn flour is used in turmeric powders. In case of chemical substances lead chromate or metanil yellow dye is added. Few drops of concentrated HCL can be used to identify the presence of adulterant in it.

What solution do we offer?
This is why we, at PR Exports, only provide you with the best quality Indian spices. We are very reputed for the quality of spices we sell in the market. We use highly advanced machineries for the refinement of hand-picked spices from all over the country. We only supply products that excel in edibility, hygiene, shelf life and nutritive value.


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